By the end of this week, students from eight government primary schools would have received XO tablets to assist them with their preparation for the Barbados Secondary Schools Entrance Examination.
These tablets, which are equipped with educational software, are gifts from the Aron & Christina Foundation which was established in 2009 by Aron and Christina Truss.
“We started our Foundation several years ago and we started out with XO laptops and we placed between 100 and 200 in several government schools during the academic years 2009/2010, 2012/2013. We now changed from the laptop programme to a tablet programme and we have now changed from a loan to an upright to gift to the students. Last September, we presented around 150 tablets to four government primary schools and this week we are presenting a further 100 and adding a further four government primary schools to our project. Therefore for the current academic year, we have given 250 tablets to students in eight government primary schools,” stated Aron.
Yesterday, the Class 3 students of the St. Bernards Primary School were the latest group to become owners of the XO tablets. They join their counterparts at Half Moon Fort Primary School, St. Alban’s Primary School, St. Elizabeth Primary School and Society Primary School who have received tablets from the Foundation in the past.
Addressing the 19 Class 3s, Truss said he was “confident that the tablet would improve your academic results in school and we also hope that the teachers will use them as a teaching tool and would incorporate them in the curriculum.”
He also spoke to the Class 2 students who were present about their chance to receive such gifts during the upcoming academic year.
In remarks, Principal of St. Bernards, Yvonda Hurley extended a hearty thank-you to Member of Parliament for the area, Dale Marshall as well as the heads of the Foundation for selecting the St. Joseph school.
Meanwhile, Marshall also thanked Aron and Christina as well as stated he is proud to be associated with the Foundation which later that day also presented tablets to the students of the St. Joseph Primary School.